Thursday, September 29, 2022

THEY CALL US THE GREEK GODS!!! - 29 September 2022

Well friends and family!!!!

My first week in the MTC is complete, it's been filled with so much fun and so much spirit. Classes are amazing! For anyone who remembers seminary and enjoyed it, it's like that times 100. We just get to talk about Christ and his gospel all day! Everyone who shares in class gives amazing insights and I love each and everyone of my district members because we truly do know how to feel the spirit so strongly but, also enjoy every second and have fun.

If you haven't heard, I was called to be district leader, and when my name was called to be the district leader, my heart sank and I was like flashing a red light in my head! My stress levels were through the roof! But, as I was reading into the responsibilities of the district leader, I came to learn that leadership, although it's not that big of a deal in the MTC, is supposed to help me become more Christlike. I learned that Christ led so many while being a follower of God, and even though many didn't follow, he still stood as an example and a light to all those that did. I'm not saying I'm basically the Christ of my district but, more that I'm a follower of Christ and when I come to my Savior, people will see that, and they can either choose to follow, or not. Through this calling I want to come closer to my Savior and hope that I can bring those around me to him as well, because I want them to feel the Savior's love like I do.

The food here is super duper, amazingly..........horrible. I mean it gets the job done, I'll eat the food and be ok with it, but when I tell you that it is an elementary school lunch, I mean it. Sometimes they have good food but I've spent more time in the bathroom than I have ever spent in my life. Our rooms are now gas chambers and without a gas mask, you best pray that you don't pass out. The chocolate milk also doesn't live up to the hype. It's a bottle of chocolate milk and nothing more! I don't know how people could die for that stuff because I'd take an ice cold Dr Pepper before that. Speaking of which, my family sent me two boxes of goodies and I got a Mountain Dew and a Dr Pepper and lemme tell you that was the best thing I've had all week! The caffeine was so exquisite, never felt the relief from a headache act so fast. 

I leave for the field in about 5 days and I've never been so not ready and so ready at the same time! I honestly feel like I can't be more prepared but I'm also like oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I'm not ready for this!!! But overall I'm super excited to get out to the field and enjoy doing the work out in Virginia. Me and my companion had a helping others assignment yesterday which is basically like a practice investigator, and me and my companion did amazing!! We both like banked off each other, he shared something awesome, then I shared something awesome, and then we invited her to read the book of Mormon and she said yes!!! Even though it was just practice we honestly did amazing and I feel like we are gonna rock it in our mission.

That's honestly about it, other than, my district is the best, the sisters are so fun to hang around, the elders are hilarious to hang out with! We had a toga/uno party last night and there was lots of yelling and laughing and it was just a great night, can't wait to have this much fun while spreading the gospel.

To finish up I'll share a scripture, Ezekiel 2:2 "And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me." I didn't even know how I came upon this chapter but I'm so glad I did! I would recommend reading this entire chapter because it's so good and shares how we go out spreading the gospel, sharing the word, and whether or not the people choose to hear that word or reject it, the Lord will be happy with us. This specific scripture really also brings to mind that if we are one with the spirit and we let the spirit guide our lives, He will lift us up and make us stand tall! I testify of that spirit, I've seen it in all the people I've met at the MTC and within my whole district. I know as I've come closer to the spirit I've stood tall, wearing my Savior's name proudly on my chest, and walking with a surety of this gospel. I invite all of you to become one with the spirit always because it's truly a gift to know of this gospel to be true without a doubt. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

FACEBOOK UPDATE - 26 September 2022

MTC is literally one of the most spiritual, greatest places on this planet, thousands of missionaries just learning to preach the word of God is something special. Overall MTC has been a blast, I don't know where else I'd rather be, my district is so fun, we enjoy each other's company and when we let the spirit flow through us you can really feel the difference in the room. 

Somethings I've learned throughout the week is I really miss my bed, I hate waking up on time, and the Chocolate milk here isn't that amazing as people say it is.

Really I've learned that God loves us all, he has been next to us throughout our entire lives but it's by our faith that we can recognize him and come to understand of his love for us. Through our faith, we can perform miracles. Through our faith we can make things happen that the lord needs to let happen.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

I SWEAR I SET AN ALARM - 22 September 2022

Hello fellow people who decided to want to listen to my rambling about my mission. I’M IN THE MTC! 

Today and yesterday have been so fun! This past week has definitely been a transition week but, I’m honestly so happy I’m here in the MTC. This past week I packed up all my stuff in my room, loaded up some luggage and said my goodbyes, and it honestly didn't feel like I said goodbye until I got to the MTC because even though I said goodbye to my family and friends at home, I still got to see my brother and my nephew. And even when I said goodbye to him I was just in this new place, but waking up this morning, and, yes my alarm didn't go off and we ended up sleeping in like 20 minutes extra, I just couldn't shake the thought that I missed my bed, my home, my mom.

Saying goodbye to my mom was honestly one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and I didn't realize it was that bad until this morning when I woke up and I wanted to go see her and give her a hug. But if there's one thing I've felt the spirit tell me these past days was that my family, especially my mom will be OK and that I will get to hug her and my family again. 

It's interesting to see how people notice missionaries. When me and Jolley got on our flight to fly to Salt Lake, someone saved a row for me, Jolley and another elder. Just some random stranger wanting to help out some new fellow missionaries. But it's also funny to see how some people back away or give us death glares while we walk by, just reminds me of what my dad told me, smile and wave. 

Arriving at the MTC was not fun, it was just me and my brother and a camera, I remember Michael pulling into the underground drop off, we were calling my family at home but eventually lost connection, and then he parks the car and says THIS IS IT. So then I get out of the car, missionaries are cheering, an elder grabbed my luggage and I hugged my brother goodbye and in a matter of seconds I was walking away. I literally almost had a panic attack, I started to cry but so much was going on that I couldn’t even cry like a man, I just whimpered and walked away. 

Eventually I got to my room with my companion and got settled. We had a lot of meetings/devotionals that day so that's kinda what we did the rest of the day, I met my district, teachers, the president and his wife, had a great lesson on the character of Christ and what that is. Oh! I forgot to mention, my sister in law’s aunt and uncle totally greeted me as I walked in, they were like "Milius! Our niece married someone named Michael Milius!" I was like, “THATS MY BROTHER! He just dropped me off.” It was a really funny thing that just goes to show how small the world is haha. 

Other than that everything else has been pretty low key, we'll see how things are in the next week and I'll have to compare how home MTC is verses in person MTC.

I'm so grateful I'm here, I know it's gonna be one of the hardest things I do in my life but I'm grateful for a great companionship and district. I know the Savior loves us with an infinite love. Back to the character of Christ, Christ looks outward while the natural man looks inward, He would give up everything He has just to help others. While I'm in the MTC, that is what I want to work on and what I encourage all y'all to work on. How can we forget ourselves, forget our needs and help others. In Matthew chapter 4 we read that Jesus fasted 40 days and yet He wasn't gonna turn rocks into bread to satisfy his natural man needs and instead, He goes to serve others. When the Lord is hungry, in pain, tired, He still will serve others. I’m not saying give up your life for others but for me, I want to recognize my blessings and understand that other people don't have those things and I want to be able to give them what I have or help them and give outward rather than take and look inward. 
1. All the elders in our district
2. The sisters tried to mimic our picture 
3. Sister Cox made this delicious bread and it was fantastic 
4. The murals all over the place are so cool, this one is Moses parting the red sea
5. Leaving Arizona for two years 

1. All the Elders in our district 

2. The sisters tried to mimic our picture

3. Sister Cox made this delicious bread and it was fantastic 

4. The murals all over the place are so cool, this one is Moses parting the red sea

5. Leaving Arizona for two years 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

SEE YA IN TWO! - 21 September 2022

Elder Gavin Milius with Great-Grandpa Murray Woods and Grandma Ann Nichols

Last Family Dinner - Matta's!
Elder Gavin Milius, Claire, Brigham, Megan, Mom, Dad

Megan, Dad, Elder Gavin Milius, Mom, Bella

Megan, Dad, Brigham, Elder Gavin Milius, Mom, Bella

Bella, Elder Gavin Milius, Megan

Dad, Elder Gavin Milius, Mom

Papa Fred Woods and Elder Gavin Milius

Griffin Stevens (soon to be Elder!) and Elder Gavin Milius

Elder Gavin Milius and Brigham

Elder Gavin Milius and Bella

Elder Gavin Milius and Megan

Dad and Elder Gavin Milius

Elder Gavin Milius and Mom

Elder Jacob Jolley and Elder Gavin Milius
Elder Jolley and Elder Milius were so happy to be on the same flight to Provo MTC

Elder Gavin Milius and Michael at the Provo Utah Temple

From Elder Gavin Milius upon entering the MTC:

"Hey! I love you tons, made it to my room assignment, I definitely did not cry leaving Michael and I definitely didn't almost have a panic attack when I got out of the car. But I'm doing good, tired, I have a meeting in like 30 minutes and I'll keep you updated and talk to you tomorrow on face chat!"

Monday, September 19, 2022

FAREWELL MESSAGE - 18 September 2022

Good Morning Brothers and Sisters. It's a pleasure to be here today and it's nice to see so many familiar faces! That brings peace to my mind as I was very nervous preparing for this.

For those who don't know, I'm currently in online MTC and will be flying up to Provo to continue In person MTC on Wednesday. After the MTC, I'm going to be flying to Virginia to serve the people of Richmond. This past week has been a blessing not only for me but for my family and the people I've gotten to share my experiences with. I haven't felt the spirit so much in one day! I truly have learned a lot and have felt God's love for me so much this past week.

The topic I'm going to be speaking on is growth through trials, specifically how I've felt God's love and how we call can feel God's love during those times. 

President Spencer W. Kimball shares, "There are great challenges ahead of us, giant opportunities to be met. I welcome that exciting prospect and feel to say, humbly, 'Give me this mountain, give me these challenges.'"

Everyone experiences trials in our lives, but it is how we perceive those trials that we can become stronger and feel God's love more immensely. President Russell M. Nelson shares, "The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives, and everything to do with the focus of our lives." Take for example, Joseph Smith. In a talk given by Neil L. Anderson, he asks, "Why does the Lord allow the evil speaking to chase after the good? One reason is that opposition against the things of God sends seekers of truth to their knees for answers." This is an amazing quote because I do believe that we experience these trials to grow and to recognize that the Savior wants to have a relationship with us. Henry B. Eyring says it best in his talk, Mountains to Climb, "The hardest trials fo life can surprise and humble us before God and let us know of God's divine love for all of us."

Both my brothers served missions and have been amazing examples to me and I have seen how much they've grown and been changed by Christ and His divine work. My older brother, just older than me, served in the Colorado Fort Collins Mission and he loved it there! Well, he loved it in Wyoming which is where he spent most of his mission. Anyway, he told me that very first transfer he had, his trainer/companion laid around not doing anything. he was leaving in about two transfers so he just wanted to go home. My brother, being a brand new missionary thought to himself...because so many people said missions were the best, it's gonna be so fun, so enjoyable, life changing...he wondered, "Why is this so annoying and hard to deal with? Why am I here?" He was so excited to get out and serve that he felt so discouraged when his mission started out like this. He thought to himself, "Is this right? Am I supposed to be here? Is this a sign to go home?"

It may be hard to stand at the feet of adversity and find the positive, but for my brother, he decided to read his scriptures and within that personal scripture study, he gained a testimony like no other for his Savior and for the scriptures. If you went up to him today and asked for him to find 5 verses talking about repentance, he could do it in 5 seconds. He now teaches seminary at Highland High School using the blessings he got from reading his scriptures to teach and to testify of the Savior's love. 

Brothers and sisters in my life of adversity, I've also asked myself some questions like: "Should I be doing something else? Should I quit? I've prayed about this before and felt good about it then, so why does it seem wrong now?" When you're sitting there discouraged wondering why it's so hard, why do i want to quit, it's actually a sign that you should keep going because it's in those challenging times where we grow the most, grow our testimonies and see blessings we could never imagine at the time. This is where we can feel the closest to our Savior and truly see His love for us.

In Mosiah 12-13 we read the story of Abinadi. In chapter 12, Abinadi is instructed by the Lord to go and warn the people of King Noah that if they do not repent they will be visited by the Lord in anger. This story shows a great example of how as long as we put our faith in the Lord, we can overcome any adversity. So, Abinadi goes and starts prophesying, and is then taken into bondage for preaching against the people. He is brought forth before the King and High Priests of this people and is questioned for his "so-called" accusations against them. Standing at the King's feet he is mocked for what he is saying and is then ordered by the King to be taken away and slain. At this point some people would have buckled under the beliefs of man and denied God, but not Abinadi. He stands at the King's feet and says in chapter 13 verse 3, “Touch me not, for God shall smite you if ye lay your hands upon me, for  I have not yet delivered the message which the Lord hath sent me to deliver. Neither have I told you that which ye requested that I should tell; therefore God will not suffer that I shall be destroyed at this time." 

Nothing is more powerful than when we can stand true to our faith in troubling times. I know my mission will be hard, both my brothers have experienced amazing yet very challenging missions. Does this mean that I will buckle to the words of the world? No, I know that the Lord called me to serve and regardless of how hard it may be I know he has a work for me to complete. He wants me to serve him so I can experience my own mountains and call upon him through prayer to feel his love. 

I've seen God's hand in my life so much, and being a missionary has only opened my eyes to all the different times God has been at my right hand and at my left. In High School I played baseball. I was a pitcher and I loved being out on the field. It's where I felt comfortable and the most happy. I also played the cello in orchestra and I loved doing that as well. Music has a special spot in my heart. But, I never thought that if the time came I would choose orchestra over baseball. Well, starting my sophomore year of high school, we got a new coaching program which was so exciting since my freshman year, although I loved it, was a little more laid back and gave many kids the thought process of baseball being a place to come and to mess around. When the new staff came, those kids still thought baseball was a place where they could say whatever they wanted, do whatever they wanted, and brag about things that should never be bragged about in high school. It was a rough set of kids with a lot of negativity. Although I still loved playing baseball everyday, I couldn't shake the thought that I needed to choose a better environment to be around. I was really taken back by this thought because I didn't know what to do. I talked with my dad about it from which he said to go and pray, asking what I should do. So I did, I prayed and then I just sat there listening to my thoughts and what the Lord wanted me to hear. The most distinct thought that came into my mind was the cons of staying in the baseball environment and the pros of continuing in the orchestra environment. It was so hard to understand that this was the right decision but after receiving a pretty strong answer that I shouldn't stay in that negative environment, I still had to figure out how I was going tell my coach, who was brand new to our school and I didn't really know him well. I was very troubled and very nervous because I thought he was going to be upset with me. I kept thinking that maybe I could just not worry about this right now and maybe I could just keep playing baseball and hope that the kids negative energy wouldn't rub off on me. But, the thought that rendered in my mind was that baseball was negative and that I didn't want to be around that negativity for the rest of my high school career. So, I ended up telling my coach and the thing that surprised me most was he respected my path. He was sad to see me leave but he respected my maturity. We shook hands and went on our way. It's interesting looking back on that now, what if I chose to stay in baseball over orchestra, how would I act, would I be serving my mission right now if I didn't stay true to my answer and fell into the guilt of not wanting to upset anyone. How would my attitude of the Savior be if I stayed around all that negativity. I don't know what would have happened but I know I'm here now today, I have a testimony in my Savior and I know that through our decisions we can either see His love and grow through Him or we can fall into adversity and “worry about it later” or “not want to upset anyone."

Another time in my life where I've seen God's hand and His love for me through a trial was when I and my sisters and my friend were involved in the car wreck in August. I remember very little when we were driving other than the fact that I was about a few car lengths away from the car in front of me and there was moderate traffic but, we were moving about 65-70 miles an hour so I thought it would be smooth sailing home. Just passing the sunset point rest stop I remember seeing lots of brake lights, about three cars swerved off to the side and in a matter of seconds, the car in front of me came to a complete stop, and as I approached the car I couldn't stop in time and I slammed into the back of this car going 55-65 miles an hour. All I remember next was my friend telling us all to get out of the car, so I did, and quickly,  because I really didn't know what was going to happen. I called my mom, told her I was in a crash and that she needed to get here fast, and from my mom's point of view, she probably thought it was a minor fender bender. But, as she got to us she told me she looked at us, then looked at the car which was completely smashed in, not drivable and she remembers asking herself how, how are all my kids ok. She then was saying she was grateful my sisters were wearing seatbelts because they usually don't wear their seatbelts during road trips. But my sisters both informed her later that they didn't have their seatbelts on. She still kept asking herself how they are all ok, and the one thing that came to her mind was “I have a work for them to do." Miracles do happen, and even though the Lord couldn't prevent the crash, He protected us with lots of angels that day. The Lord wasn't going to let anything happen to us. 

As we read in Luke 22:41-44 we read that the Savior, while atoning for the sins of the world, prays to the Father asking, “...remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will but thine, be done.” After which, an angel appears to the Savior strengthening and comforting Him. In these verses we learn that trials are meant to strengthen us. God won't take our challenges away but, if we pray to Him in faith we will be comforted and strengthened through the love which He has for us. 

This crash was one of the scariest moments I've ever experienced but it grew my testimony of the Savior's love for me and how He knows me personally. The Lord not only needs me to serve, he wants me to go serve a mission. Maybe there's someone that I need to meet or someone that needs to meet me, or maybe I need to meet my divine identity and be changed through Christ, but I know and can testify that the Lord loves me and He does have a work for me to do. President Russel M Nelson teaches, “That the Lord asks every worthy, able young man to prepare for and serve a mission. For latter day saint young men, missionary service is a priesthood responsibility. Young men have been reserved for this time when the promised gathering of Israel is taking place. As you serve missions, you play a pivotal role in this unprecedented event!”

President M. Russell Ballard shares that missionary service can prepare me to be a better husband and a father. It also can prepare me for a lifetime of service to the Lord and His church. Regardless of whether or not I wear this badge, the Lord needs people to be missionaries forever. I can't wait to get out and serve the people of Virginia for two years and I can't wait to feel my Savior's love even more and be changed through him. Mom, Dad: I've said this before but I'll say it again, 2 years is merely a blip in the lifetime of love and support you guys have given to me and I can't wait to make you proud. I testify that the Lord is real. This is His church. God loves us all, He wants a relationship with all of us, so much so that he gave his only Begotten Son to die for us so that we have the chance to build that relationship and return to His presence. I'm called by God to serve Him and to represent His church and give the opportunity to those who are "poor in spirit" to become "rich in spirit." Christ lives and is central to the plan of happiness and if we cleave unto Him, we can be changed by Him and have the power to cast off evil and stand faithful in these trying times. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen 

"WHAT'S NEW WITH YOU..." - 16 September 2022

Well, I didn't think I'd be emailing so soon but so much has happened in the past four days of Online MTC. I've created so many friendships with all the Elders and Sisters in my district. Each day I learn so so much from my peers and my teachers. And also MTC has been so fun at home with my family because after all my meetings and classes I get to go and tell my sisters and my parents about it, and it really has made me so happy to share that with them.

My companion is a stud! We have so much in common and he has a deep testimony in his savior, he knows how to explain the gospel in like 5 minutes and still have it be conversion worthy. Companion study has been so fun with him and every word we share it just invites the spirit and we can both feel that spirit so strongly. The room I'm doing MTC in is like a bubble of just "SPIRIT!" It's awesome. I can tell the difference between being downstairs in my kitchen listening to my sisters ramble about school and then I come up to this room to do MTC and I walk in and can feel relaxed and feel peace. Maybe it's because there's no arguing in this room and maybe I should talk to my sisters about being more kind and that contention is of the devil hahaha.

I don't really have that much else to talk about other than I didn't know that staring at a screen makes me more exhausted than just walking around. As much as i love the Online MTC experience, i can't wait to actually get to the MTC and meet my companion in person and walk around and see hundreds and hundreds of missionaries and get to experience that immense amount of power from god, all of us called to serve with one purpose, love, share, and invite. 

I'll end with my testimony based on what I've been learning in class. God loves us all, he wants a relationship with all of us, so much so that he gave his only begotten son to die for us so that we have the chance to build that relationship and return to his presence. I'm called by God to serve him and to represent his church and give the opportunity to those who are "poor in spirit" to become "rich in spirit." Christ lives and is central to the plan of happiness and if we cleave unto him, we can be changed by him and have the power to cast off evil and stand faithful in these trying times. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen 

Also check out how cool my district is...

Elder Milius was able to assist his Papa, Fred Woods in administering a priesthood blessing to his 
Aunt, Taylor Woods while serving in home MTC. This was a special experience for all involved.
God knows and loves all His children and is aware of each of our needs.

Elder Milius was also able to visit with and administer a blessing of healing and comfort to 
his Great-Grandfather, Dale Shumway while serving in home MTC. 





MISSION CALL - 12 April 2022


April 12, 2022 

Elder Gavin West Milius 
4109 East Morrison Ranch Parkway 
Gilbert, AZ 85296 

Dear Elder Milius: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

You have been recommended as one worthy to represent the Lord as a minister of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. You will be an official representative of the Church. As such, you will be expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and appearance, keep the commandments, and follow the counsel of your mission president. As you devote your time and attention to serving the Lord, leaving behind all other personal affairs, the Lord will bless you with increased knowledge and testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 

Your purpose will be to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. As you serve with all your heart, might, mind, and strength, the Lord will lead you to those who will hear His message. 

You are assigned to labor in the Virginia Richmond Mission and will prepare to preach the gospel in the English language. You will begin your missionary service with online training starting Monday, September 12, 2022, after being set apart by your stake president. Please see the Missionary Portal for additional information on your training experience. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 24 months. 

Our Heavenly Father will reward you for the goodness of your life. Greater blessings and more joy than you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this labor of love among His children. We place our confidence in you and pray that the Lord will help you become an effective missionary. 


WELCOME HOME - 13, 15 September 2024