So the past couple weeks have been sweet! I'm sorry I haven't been writing emails everyweek, but don't worry, I've talked with my mom, she's given me some ideas for how to continue writing every week because I know yall want to hear from me, I hope, and so I want to do my best to share with yall all my activities as well as my thoughts and impressions and how things are just going!
But last week was awesome, it was the final one of the transfer and I'm not sure if yall knew but I'm staying in Mechanicsville with Elder Mathews! I'm still district leader and just trekking along one day at a time! The awesome things that took place over that last week of the transfer was we found a Persian family in our Area Book and we found a copy of the Book of Mormon written in Persian so we drove by and introduced ourselves and gave them that copy. It's super hard to communicate with so we are trying to find people in Richmond or online that speak Persian to help us out with that. We've also had some lessons with our friend Hunter, he's on date to be baptized July 22nd which is literally the day before my birthday, how cool would it be if I got that as a present for my Bday, that would be so sweet! He's definitely progressing, still got some more we got to help him with but he's totally ready for it! A couple Sundays ago we had dinner with this family that just moved into our ward, and they are so fun! They've got three little kids, super funny, they both served missions so it's so fun to just talk mission talk with them, reminiscing on the good old days lol. But that was literally like the first member meal we had in like a couple weeks so we were super happy.
This past week was beast, it was the first full week of the transfer and it was honestly very interesting and cool! Tuesday was Zone Conference day except it wasn't our Zone Conference. So my Companion, Elder Mathews had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday which was supposed to be our zone conference day but he couldn't change the appointment so president told us to ride up with the APs for the northern Zone Conference! It was so fun, the APs are so funny and just a blast to hang with, we felt like the coolest people just hanging out with the APs when we pulled up. We had an amazing zone conference too, our president is just amazing, he shared a fantastic talk about the importance of missionary work and the importance of us being out here right now, that nothing in the world matters more to God than what we are doing, we could be back, going out on dates, starting school, getting married but the lord is so grateful and happy that we chose to sacrifice all of that for him that he is just gonna pour out blessings 100 fold! He also talked about how much we will grow on our missions compared to if we didn't come out. He said that going on a mission and staying home are both accepted by God and both have wonderful purposes to our lives but there is a difference between a return Missionary and a brand new greenie that he wants all of us to be excited for. He then shared the example that if God wanted Israel to be gathered tomorrow he could very well send thousands of Elder Hollands out and do so, but he doesn't because he wants us to come out here, to experience the hardships and to fall down on our knees absolutely broken inside So that he can fill in our cracks and make us never fall away saints. That is why he sends out 18-20 year Olds every year to do something like this. Because in the end, when we go home changed from our kid selves to a chiseled masterpiece, our testimonies will never be destroyed, presidents exact words were...
he also shared that when someone questions our beliefs, we need to take a stand and tell them what we know and why we know it because you can't argue with someone's experience with opinion.
President is a big politician so he just loves throwing things like that at us but it's so true!
Then after zone conference throughout the week we have just been cleaning out our area book trying to find those who are ready for this gospel and those who aren't. We obviously went tk Elder Mathews doctors appointment this week which was beast, then we also got a crazy referral from some missionaries in England who run like an online teaching center, they said there is a guy they've been teaching who wants to come to church and wants to learn more. This guy is named Chris and he is just a smart stud! He's so awesome and accepting and he was able to come to church, he took the Sacrament and absolutely loved it. He said God told him to go to this church and if he liked it, he would stay, so it seems to me like he really really liked it and enjoyed it which is awesome! We are gonna keep this momentum going and hopefully help him be baptized very soon!!!
Another amazing thing we did this week was we went to a gospel music concert! The Baptist church we do service for invited us to a barbecue and a concert at their church. We obviously went and it was a blast! We ate some delicious food and talked to all the people there, we listened to amazing gospel music by this band named Calvarys Hill and it was just to coolest thing ever! Ten out of ten would recommend, perks of being a missionary and doing service for a bapstist church I guess!
Anyways that's the past couple of weeks for me! I'll try my best to do weekly ones again because this was a hefty email so hopefully yall don't get too bored by the end! I love yall! We are on the Lords Team and we will not be stopped! The glory of God will prevail cause in the end... JESUS IS COMING BACK!!
-Elder Milius

Elder Brown 🥹
The Comp
Baptist Concert with Elder Matthews
The District
Us in Staffords Zone pic
cause we weren't in our own