Super bummed but I'm heading out of Virginia Beach after 6 months of the best memories and work I've had my whole mission. Yes I got my transfer news on Saturday and yes I am leaving. I kinda expected to leave but after it has set in, I'm kinda sad knowing I'm leaving. But I'm headed up to Fredericksburg just north of Richmond. I'll be in an area called Massaponix with a companion I actually was with a year ago. Me and Elder O'Donnell are getting back together and I'm pretty excited!
Monday, March 25, 2024
‘IGHT IMA HEAD OUT - 25 March 2024
Anyways to go quickly over my last week because I'm super unmotivated to write an email today. This whole week we were preparing for an event our ward was putting together for Easter. They called it the Book of mormon walk through and it basically was a tour through our church for people to learn and see events that lead up to the coming of Jesus Christ in America. It was a grind all week cause we didn't get much other work done other than sending out lots of invites and planning logistics. Eventually on Saturday we held the event all day and it was super super awesome! We as the missionaries were the face people saw as they walked in and the face they saw when they walked out. In fact there were lots of non members that showed up and it was super cool cause we collected about 60 book of Mormons and when we left there were about 40 so that was successful in its own!
I had to say goodbye to a few members on Sunday which was very sad, I felt so blessed by this ward and they all helped me through the hard times I went through in this area. I'm leaving the area with great potential my comp is getting a trainee and we've got two super cool people that we have coming to church. We also had an awesome phone call with this one guy who straight up asked us about baptism. He was thinking about it for himself so we promised awesome blessings and hopefully today we will put him on date for sometime this next month. So the area has great people to work with and I feel like I know my purpose here. I've met amazing friends, grew so many relationships and helped ty enter into the waters of baptism.
While things keep moving on this train I'm on, sometimes I feel queezy about everything, especially when change is in store and I have no idea what to expect with my new companion or the new area. I've also had the thought of fearing God more than man on my mind as I sometimes struggle when I worry about things I've done or just the thought of having to talk to everyone about Jesus. A couple days ago I was standing at Walmart alone and I genuinely felt alone. People were walking by but it felt like a cat got my tongue, I couldn't even speak if I wanted to. It felt like how Joseph Smith felt in the garden when Satan overpowered him. But as I opened my eyes and realized exactly what Satan was doing, I took a second to read some scriptures. I stumbled upon Mosiah 2: 41 which talks about remembering the blessed and happy state of those who keep the commandments of God. While sometimes I fear man, and sometimes that fear can bring sadness. When I turn back to God and focus on keeping his commandments I will find joy and I can speak to all about his church because in the end, I fear going up to God and looking back on my life just to see I missed out on opportunities that could have changed my life. So If you ever have fear unto sadness, remember that joy is found in keeping commandments, make it a daily routine to remember the commandments and how you can follow them because in them, like I said, is the promise of never ending joy.
Anyways that's my week, I hope yall had an awesome week and I hope you have a great week ahead. Keep Killin it wherever you are! God loves you and so do I! Take care!!!
-Elder Milius
Monday, March 11, 2024
TEMPLE TRIP-NOW - 11 March 2024
Well it's been like 4 days since I wrote an email and nothing has honestly changed since my last email. But I’ll just kinda give you an update on all our peeps!
We have a friend named Phalyn and she is so so cool! She had a hard last week but we were able to call and talk with her again and we had a great conversation about how the adversary will tear us down more when we are headed down the righteous path. Just like the persecution on Joseph Smith and the early saints, Satan will do anything he can to hurt those who seek the true church of christ! But hopefully soon we can get her to join us for church and start reading the Book of Mormon to help battle those adversities!
Vanessa is another friend we have, she unfortunately hasn't been responding to us but I think I mentioned last email about the awesome lesson we had over the phone with her and 2 of our members! The spirit was so strong in the lesson, we just have to get that spiritual momentum moving and get her to respond lol.
We have another friend named Shirley and she is just a sweet lady! She loves meeting with us, In fact she is always the one to schedule lessons with us. She hasn't come to church yet but we've read the book of mormon with her a lot and hopefully soon, once she finds the time, we'll be able to see her at church one of these Sundays. She even says she wants to bring her daughter and her best friend once she gets that time!
That's honestly all the people we are teaching, we have a couple other people but they are kinds on the fence with things. I'm not gonna lie, our teaching pool is not big right now which is kinda frustrating but we keep grinding and trusting in God providing miracles! So hopefully soon this area will get popping again!
Our recent convert ty is doing great! He is coming tk church and he even brought his kid yesterday! We also had ward conference, so the stake presidency was there and the stake president came up to him and congratulated him on the baptism! It's pretty awesome to see a recent convert of yours continue to grow in the gospel and continue to let God bless their life!!
OK that's about all I've got for the week, this past week has just been grinding the find and taking things ome day at a time with the faith in God and faith in the work! But I hope yall have an amazing week and I'll talk to yall in the next!
-Elder Milius
Thursday, March 7, 2024
TEMPLE PDAY! - 6 March 2024
Hello everyone!!! Welcome back to another email, yes it is Wednesday cause we got to go to the temple today! Which the temple was amazing!! It took a lot to get to the temple not gonna lie. But we made it safely so that's good!
These past couple weeks have been a long little bit. We have been grinding hard because we are trying to refill our teaching pool with people who are elect and ready to receive the gospel and let’s just say, it is not easy. I've definitely seen so many blessings and Mini miracles throughout so that was super helpful. We found this one lady who I really didn't want to talk to but I just did because I know I'm not gonna find the elect without saying something. Turns out she was super happy I talked to her and really appreciated us wanting to help her grow closer to christ. In fact she had lots of great questions about our church and was so down to accept it all! Unfortunately she had some things come up and the adversary really worked on her because she actually can't meet with us right now anymore. But hopefully God will provide another miracle in her life and we will be able to begin teaching her.
The rest of this past week consisted of lots of finding and really trying to get our friends to church on Sunday. Unfortunately God was trying to humble us a little bit cause we didn't get any of our friends to church which was very very sad. I have found lots of positivity helps though. Even when my companion is struggling mentally, if I can keel my mind right and stay happy then I just have a better time even when things are hard.
We did have an awesome miracle yesterday that made a huge uplift for us. We met this one lady our knocking and set up a time to call. When we called she had the most elect mindset. We taught her about the restoration and she was loving it all! We even had two members join over phone call and it was awesome because at one point, we didn't even talk for like 15 minutes and we let the members just get to know her and teach her about how they have grown closer to God by reading the Book of mormon. Our friend was so happy and is so so excited to come to church. She remembers us knocking on our door because it was literally down pouring and we were humbly knocking on her door to bring her to God!
Well that was the best of our week. The temple was amazing today, we've had lots and lots of rain but it hasn't kept us from feeling the spirit. So I hope yall have had a wonderful week. Sorry if this email is kinda hard to read, my mind isn't really working right now as we are driving home to go back to work here in the next couple hours! But I'll talk to yall next Monday!!
-Elder Milius
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GRAND FINALE - 9 September 2024
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