Tuesday, March 21, 2023


So this week kinda was a blur all the way up till about three days ago. I honestly am blanking right now as I write this email so I'm just gonna try and get straight into my week!

Tuesday was a cool day, we went to go visit one of our friends but he actually wasn't home so we went around knocking some doors and actually found a girl who has been trying to grow her faith in christ. We told her that a great way to do that is through the Book of Mormon and she was really interested, we gave her a Book of Mormon and set up a time to call her back!

Wednesday was an awesome day! We had an early morning lesson with the guy we have on date and it went really well, we just had to finish teaching him everything he needed to know to get baptized so once we finished, we told him that there is nothing else he needs to learn before his baptism. We then scheduled his baptism officially and he is planning for the 29th of April! I'm so stoked for him because I know this will bless his life. After that we actually went to go visit this one online referral we got and she answered and let us into her house. She had her family there and we got to sit down with her family and shared the full restoration with her and her sons and her daughter! It was so cool to do that especially when talking about how the gospel can bless their family and unite them. Later that night we had another lesson with a progressing friend and she is struggling a lot especially with prayer but we taught her about the Gospel of Jesus christ and she seemed to enjoy it a lot.

Thursday was a big meeting day. We had a safety devotional in the morning and then had weekly planning after lunch, and then had a mission devotional in the afternoon. Good news about the afternoon meeting is... WE GET TO HELP WORK AT THE TEMPLE OPEN HOUSE!!! I'm so excited to help out. Every missionary will have the chance to go to work some shifts at the temple then they'll get to tour the temple afterwards! I'm so excited like I can't wait to see this amazing temple that I'm telling every one about. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity too, I mean when am I ever gonna be able to assist in a temple open house again, Probably never. So I'm really really excited! Also this night when we went to bed I just want to throw it our there that I had no messages from anyone as I was going to bed...

So Friday was a crazy day! I woke up around 6:28, the sun wasn't even up yet, I rolled out of bed and wrapped myself in my blanket. I grabbed my phone to head out to the couch to daily plan and after I said my morning prayer I looked at my phone. I had received a message from president. Now when this happens, my first thoughts are oh, he's asking me to be a trainer, as I have not been made trainer yet. Hahah No. I read District Leader and I might have crapped myself a lil bit. So there you have it folks, I have been called to be a district leader!!! I'm honestly super excited, I didn't really know how it was gonna go but the more I think about it, I'm honored to be in this position and I can't wait to learn how and help others grow.

Saturday was transfer news!!! So we got out transfer news in the morning and also guess what!! I'm heading out of here! I'm leaving my baby area and I'm getting transfered up to Richmond!! Literally I am in the Richmond zone! My exact area is called Mechanicsville and from what I've heard it's basically the suburbs of the city of Richmond. What's also crazy is the temple is only 20 minutes away from that apartment! And I also found out that the Assistants are in my district! So what does that mean for me, I have to be district leader over the Assistants!!! I'm honestly super intimidated but every one has told me how fun they make district councils so I can't wait tk get to know them and help them as they help me hahaha. 

That was pretty much the highlight of my week, I know I'm sending this late but that's because yesterday was a really busy day as I was packing all night. And then today is my last day in this area so I have to finish packing and hope I dont leave anything behind!! But I hope yall had an amazing week and I can't wait to see how this next week goes!!!

-Elder Milius 

My new Zone!

Our last district council here in Chesapeake 


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