WOOOOOOO!!! Finally!!! My hard work paid off!!! I got to help a child of God be baptized! It was the greatest thing in the world!! Like I loved seeing members kids get baptized at 8 but there was something about teaching someone for a long time to then finally see them make those covenants with the lord!! Also I'm gonna be doing my email a little different since most of the week was just the same.
Over the past few days we've been doing lots of service, at a Baptist church, a farm, and a non members house. We also had a lot of free time so we went out knocking pretty much all day everyday. Occasionally we had some lessons but they didn't really go super well. One we had with one of our greens and he just talked about his life for an hour so we didn't teach him anything. Another one we just talked to a guy about prayer while he was driving so it was short but pretty good. And some other ones we had with our most progressing kid, Joshua, we've been stressed about him and his baptism for a while and since it was Saturday we had to make sure he was ready. But whenever we weren't teaching, we were finding and we were putting in lots of effort and not getting a whole lot back, we've been struggling to find interested people. BUT, Sunday night we were knocking a referral and she didn't answer but I felt impressed to knock her neighbor and how would you guess, it was actually our referral!! She must have put in the wrong address but it was awesome seeing the lord just like, nah she lives here, and boom! We taught her about the Book Of Mormon and set up a time to come back! Then that same night we were knocking some apartments and a guy walked out shirtless at one door but listened to us and seemed super interested and willingly gratefully accepted a Book of Mormon!! So all week we have been struggling to find people and finally the lord directed us to two children of God who were ready to listen!! It was awesome.
OK now to the Baptism!! Joshua got baptized Saturday afternoon. His dad baptized him and confirmed him that day and it was so fun to see his smile after he came out of the waters. We were super stressed though because it was my first baptism and my comps first baptism not being a trainee so we both were like uh how do we do a baptism. But we figured it out and we were happy to say he got baptized!! Then the family was so so kind and took us to a 5 star Brazilian steakhouse......this was the best meal I've had in my life. I mean they had filet mignon, bacon wrapped filet mignon, picanha steak, flank steak, lamb, lamb chops, fried banana, the best creamy potatoes, I mean so amazing, the best quality meat cooked the best way, served buffet style all you can eat! I felt so out of place walking in there but I have never been so close to heaven then in that restaurant! It goes to show that when you put in the work, God blesses you with very very nice members who know steak!
Uhm also my parents made me trunky, they decided to come up and see the temple open house and not only could I not see then but they got to see my MTC comp and Sister Mahr! So not fair, now I have to live with the fact that it's been longer since I've seen my parents than they have! But I'm just banking on that two year hug, in 18 months that hug is gonna be the best!! Haha 😅
Anyways that's my email for the week! I might stay with this format because it's easier to talk about days that are just the exact same, but I hope yall had an amazing week and I look forward to talking to yall in the next one.

Fresh Cut!

Lunchtime on the Mish

We didn’t get a picture with Joshua at his baptism

Rio Brazil with the Villanuevas

We aren’t solicitors, but this was funny!
My parents in the exact spot
I was in like two days before