Hola! que tal todo el mundo!! I'm now Spanish!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been crazy translating to a Spanish missionary, I've eaten more tacos now than my entire life which is crazy cause we would eat tacos all the time back home. So things are just going amazing! This transfer has absolutely flown by! This is our very last full week of the transfer and by our interviews with president last week or two, my comp is pretty positive he is leaving so we will have to wait to confirm but I might be getting a new comp very soon. Also I'm not getting translated by the way hahahah I'm just hilarious like that! I still speak English and I don't even know what I typed I just wrote a welcome statement into Google translate and chose that one.
So the beginning of my week was pretty fun, Tuesday I had my first exchange that I had to.put together so that was pretty crazy! I went with a new missionary in our district and he's pretty funny, he's definitely adjusting well so props to him. But looking back on that day, we grinded our area that day, we found like 5 new people to teach and taught a ton of people. Our area looks like the best area in the mission that day and its all because we were persistent, the entire transfer we were struggling to find but we kept pushing through and today we were blessed! Wednesday was kinda cool! We were knocking pretty much all day and it got to the evening when we finally decided to go but we kept knocking and we got to a place where we could hear a guy singing so we go up to him and he was playing his guitar just jamming and we asked if he wanted to hear a message about Jesus Christ. He immediately jumped up and was like YES! It kinda surprised us so we thought he was punking us but he was so cool!! He said he was struggling with addiction and that morning he was at an addiction Recovery meeting and they asked what everybody wanted to work on, and he said his faith! Well needless to say, God answered his prayer when we showed up! He was so hyped we came and knew it was from God. We gave him a Book of Mormon and hopefully we can go by soon!!
Thursday was a rough day, we had weekly planning so it already wasn't gonna be the best but then the entire day we were just sick, and annoyed at everything that it just made the day crappy, we ended up putting a guy on date that should not have been put on date, we knew he had some issues but we were trying to see if asking him to be baptized would get him to say no or something but when he said yes we didn't know what to do Cause it just didn't feel right and now we got to figure out how to help this guy understand a lot of things before he can come close to baptism. Who knows maybe he is ready. Friday we were supposed to go on an exchange with the Assistants but they bailed on us and rescheduled. So our day was super stacked with lessons, in fact, we had 8 lessons that day planned. To a very disappointing surprise, not a single one went through, it was so sad, so we ended up knocking and calling people the entire day. Saturday was pretty sweet though, we had three lessons planned and they all went through! So that was a great way to end out the week. Sunday was I think my first or second member meal I've had in this area though. The members made us Parmesan Egg plant, I was a little nervous not gonna lie but man was it scrumptious! Monday was also hype too! We had district Pday and just balled out at Top Golf! Our district do be hype for real! We got pictures but the APs haven't sent them yet so you'll have to wait for those, after that though we hung out for a while with half our district since the APs had to bounce, then we came home and relaxed and then went and balled up at the basketball court on our apartment. I tried so hard to make a full court shot and I literally made it but God decided to swoop in a reject my shot hard core! It was disappointing but then the rest of the day was just a knock session. We did however meet this guy named Chad! He is a Messianic Jew and I've never really studied what they believe in but he seemed really cool and super devote to his religion and to christ. He's was also completely blind but then one day his eyes were just healed and so now he can partially see! He's a cool guy and definitely fits the name Chad.
Anyways that's my week! Hopefully yall had a bop week as well! Look forward to talking with yall in the next one!!
-Elder Milius

Me and O’Donnell
Me and Boehme
Calls do be fun!
Album Cover low key
The last day of the Temple open house
(all the missionaries)
Me and Dozer
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