Aight what up homies! How's everyone doing? Things are just going fantastic here in the Might VRM!!!!!!! This week we had a busy yet normal slow week. It was filled with lots to do but it was just a basic week! We did however find out transfer news and I am staying here in Mechanicsville but I am recieveing a new comp so for the past 3 transfers I've had a new comp every transfer. Lowkey kinda sad because I really enjoyed my companion and I'm honestly tired of having to readjust to a new comp every 6 weeks, maybe and hopefully I will stay with my next one for two transfers. But anyways...
Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty basic, we had lots of teaching appointments with members and friends that all went through, it was very nice not having to knock doors all day because we were teaching people! WOOO!!
Thursday was probably my favorite day of the transfer, I got to have an exchange with the elders in our district aka the Assistants!!! The absolute units of missionaries! I got to go with the mighty Elder Weeks and man we had a great time! We talked to so many people and Elder weeks is like the best at talking with people, he is so good at breaking the ice and getting to know the person before he even brings up anything about the Book Of Mormon. I've tried a couple times since and it is really really hard to just casually walk up to a strangers door, knock on it and make a new friend before even mentioning the church. Hopefully one day I will be at his level of missionarying. But we found like 7 people which was very awesome because we needed more people to teach. Also learned that Elder weeks is an absolute David Blaine in the flesh, he is a magician for real for real!
Friday we had another exchange with the Zone Leaders and they are serving in downtown Richmond and oh my gosh I really really want to serve there one day! It's literally the coolest place ever! It's such a vibe and I mean you could literally walk down main street just talking to people for a long time and it's so fun! I love the downtown cities, it reminds me of Downtown Nashville which was probably the coolest thing I've done, just walk down main street Nashville.
Saturday and Sunday were the same as Tuesday and Wednesday, we just knocked doors and had awesome lessons with people which was awesome!!! Hopefully soon we can put one of the people we are teaching on date cause he do be sorta progressing over here. Oh and we did have a friend come to church with us and it was the best!!! We haven't had a legitimate friend come to church with us in a while and it felt so good to see him there. Members even came up to him and talked to him! He even said after that he really does want to learn more about the church and so hopefully if he's down we are gonna get the ball rolling on this!! I'm so excited for what's to come.
Anyways that's my week! It was pretty hype and pretty normal but it's just the best! I hope yall had an awesome week as well, keep doing awesome things in the places where yall are. Love yall!! Look forward to talking with yall in the next one!!!
-Elder Milius

District P-day last week

A lady we do service for (her name is Candy, she’s pretty sweet 😂)
The silliest sign I’ve ever seen!
Exchange in downtown Richmond with the ZLs
My man Charles got baptized!!!! PRAISE GOD
AP exchange 🤙🏼
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