I’m so sorry yall! Last week things just were cray cray and I completely forgot to send out an email! I hope this email makes up for it as I will have a lot more to write about in this email. But just so I don't lose focus cause ADHD be working hard, ima get right into the last couple weeks!
So nothing too crazy happened a couple weeks ago, we did have zone conference which was awesome though, it was kinda sad though cause my buddy Elder Stacey gave his departing testimony and now I'm trunky. What stinks is that I became great friends with so many people who are all old in the mission so now they are all going home and it's sad lol but I'm hanging in there! Got a lot to look forward to this next few weeks. But other than zone conference, we met a Golden Referral!!!!! We were out teaching people when we get an online referral and we decided to visit him, as we got there he asked if we had the Bible and the Book of mormon so right off the bat he already knew about the Book Of Mormon, so we start learning about this guy and he straight up tells us he wants to be baptized and that he wants a quad (which is every standard works put into one book)!!! So we taught him as much as we could and this last week we were able to put him on date to be baptized the 3rd of June! So keep yalls prayers up for our boy Charles!!!
This last week was also awesome too!! We had a lot of lessons planned throughout the week which always makes things fun! We got to teach Charles and we have been having lots of success with talking with everyone and getting Charles to church! Overall it's been a great week, another thing that happened this week was we actually put our friend hunter on date to be baptized as well!!! He's been struggling with the word of wisdom but he wants to get better and knows the Book of mormon to be true as well as Joseph Smith to be a true prophet! He wants to be baptized and so we let him know that it will take some time to help him with his addiction and so we said we would try our best to help him be baptized on July 22nd! Which is a day before my birthday and I mean if this baptism happens, this would be the best birthday gift I could ever ask for!! So prayers up for hunter!!
Last Friday was probably my favorite day of the week though, I had an exchange with my district and I got to go with the ELDER Thatcher who is just an absolute unit of a missionary! We had a great time and just got along so well! It was awesome, I learned a ton and I also learned how bad I am at the guitar compared to this fine gentleman! He's crazy at the guitar but hey maybe when I get back from da mish I'll be able to play as good as he can! But it was overall just a successful work day and we had so much fun while doing the lords work!
Something else crazy happened this week, we were getting ready to go to district council and I smelled something like burning, I thought my comp was cooking something but he wasn't and so we are looking around and we noticed our water heater was literally oozing out smoke! And so we start freaking out trying to figure out who to call but then the thing started like sparking and then we actually started freaking out because literally something was about to explode. So we quickly turned off every switch on the breaker box and it finally calmed down but I mean the smell of that smoke was rancid, it literally felt like I was gonna get cancer. So we called the mission office and they said they would send someone immediately to look at it. So we left and didn't come back till the evening. When we did, we check and everything was turned back on but the panel on the side of the water heater was a little loose and apparently our furnace was also leaking and was like freezing on our pipes, so they took huge chunks of ice off the furnace and logically you would think they would chuck all that nasty sludge ice outside, no, they chucked it into our washer!! So there was just crap in our washer and it didn't even looked liked they fixed everything! I was so frustrated. My comp then told me it's probably because they know we are missionaries and it was the first time I had ever been that disrespected and that trashed before in my life! I never thought that I would ever get treated I'm this way ever especially since the church pays for all the apartments, it reminded me of a talk by Elder Holland focusing on missionary work and the atonement, Elder Holland Says.... "When they struggle, when they are rejected, When they are spit upon, and cast out, and made a hiss and a byword, they are standing shoulder to shoulder with the best life this world has ever known, the only pure and perfect missionary that ever lived.".... it's never hit me so hard before than this day that I was blatantly disrespected because of my faith. Now I could be wrong, they could have not known who we were or they my have just forgot about the mess they left but it kinda hurt thinking about the first reason, but from Elder Holland, I learned that they are not disrespecting me, Gavin Milius, they are disrespecting Jesus Christ and his love.
Anyways sorry again for missing the last couple weeks I've been doing great! I miss yall! Love yall! Keep doing amazing things! I will say one thing I've been thinking about lately is my testimony and how dedicated I actually am to my testimony, I've heard this before from some missionaries but im in a little 9 month lull right now, and it's been making me question a lot of things and doubt some things about my personal worthiness and skill. It's crazy to say buy I've never in my life felt like this, I don't doubt the church of Jesus christ to be the true living church on this earth and I can not deny the truths and miracles I've seen in my life but being on a mission has tested me to the max! But it's made me realize how important my testimony is, because without all those things that I can't deny, I've been able to overcome any doubts about myself and I've been able to endure more than I could imagine. So I invite yall to review your testimony and strengthen it as much as you can because truly, a strong testimony is that strong foundation built upon christ and with that, nothing can diminish or shake those truths, blessings, and miracles that come from this gospel!! I love this church!!! I love the people of the church!! I love everything this church has to offer and I love my savior! I hope yall have a fantastic week and I'll see yall in the next one!!!
-Elder Milius
I am Shredder
The washer mess!
What a true shredder looks like (Elder Thatcher)
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